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Phillip Lim to Be Honored at China Fashion Gala

Updated: Mar 30, 2020

The online lecture series continues Monday with a talk with sustainability fashion authority Marina Testino.

By Rosemary Feitelberg on March 27, 2020 | WWD

Phillip Lim's fall collection party.

Lexie Moreland/WWD

FALL AHEAD: The entire world is in flux, so the fact that the date for this year’s China Fashion Gala has not yet been set constitutes just another shrug. What is definitive is this year’s leading fashion honoree: Phillip Lim. The occasion is just one of many fashion-rooted spring events on the social calendar that has been subject to change due to the coronavirus pandemic. China Fashion Gala expects to return to The Plaza Hotel, but this fall instead of in the spring, according to a spokeswoman for the event.

On another front, the Yue-Sai Kan China Beauty Charity Fund in partnership with the design education organization WeDesign Group Inc. has rolled out its Executive Education in Sustainable Fashion Master Talks. All those at-home workers and of-quarantined residents around the globe can tune in to the free series. Conducted in English with Chinese subtitles, the weekly classes feature leading executives who specialize in fashion, beauty and lifestyle products.

WeDesign’s founder and chief executive officer Simon Collins and its academic director Jasonpaul McCarthy host the series which spotlights the ins and outs and hows different individuals excelled in their respective fields. On Monday, sustainability fashion specialist and activist Marina Testino will discuss “How to Influence People to Pay Attention.”

This spring’s roster includes Maurizio Donadi, the founder of Atelier & Repairs. McCarthy will speak with him about “How to Responsibly Connect Creativity With Sustainability” on April 6.

Capping off the lecture series will be Claire Kelly, senior manager for participant engagement at the United Nations Global Compact. She will address the U.N.’s corporate sustainability initiative, how the fashion industry interacts with other industries and how sustainable solutions can be found.

Earlier this month Paul Dillinger, vice president of global product innovation at Levi Strauss & Co., started the series. He was followed by Shaway Yeh, founder of Yehyehyeh and group style editorial director of Modern Media Group, who discussed “Sustainable Fashion: The Global View From China.”

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